Revolution Day: A Celebration of Unity and Continuous Growth — ISD Skip to main content
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Revolution Day: A Celebration of Unity and Continuous Growth

By 2023.10.26.December 12th, 2023No Comments

Revolution Day at ISD epitomized a celebration of unity, diversity, and continuous learning. The vibrant day was filled with a plethora of activities aimed at strengthening relationships across grade levels and building a robust sense of community.
The event in October honors the heroes of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. At ISD, the term ‘revolution’ symbolizes our collective journey towards embracing change, promoting international mindedness, and embodying the values of the IB Learner Profile.
Various activities were organized during these sessions. Students participated in traditional games and contemporary competitions like Football, Capture the Flag, Volleyball, and Tug o’ War, interspersed with sessions of Limbo, Musical Chairs, and a delightful Arts & Crafts hour. The creativity continued to flow with Window Painting, while others engaged in mind-challenging games of Mafia, Trivia, and Chess.
The meticulous organization by the Student Council (STUCO) ensured a smooth flow of events, creating a conducive environment for mutual learning and fun. Through these collaborative activities and spirited participation, ISD celebrated a day that signifies our ongoing revolution in education and mindset.